Hi everyone,

Next week at CB11.09.215 at 3pm, we'll be doing a recap of ICRA. As we've done before, we'll each add a few slides with papers that we've read and talk about them for 2-5 minutes each. Here is the link to the slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1n-834K2DZ55XTryQkoZ8IfJOAJ4hHp344kr2Hp7dvek/edit?usp=sharing.
ICRA2024 Recap

This is the info you can use to login and access the proceedings of the conference:
ICRA downloads:https://events.infovaya.com/event?id=138
email: graeme.best@uts.edu.au  
password: Cdmrgr0x
In case we finish early, we can go through Robotics and Automation Letters Volume 9 Issue 7:

CDMRG Stack: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12qhjIVTrK82byEq15JJs00aQPkuj66FHER_sdyTbBFo/edit#gid=0

See you all next week!
In Progress Title,Journal,Volume/Issue,Authors Active preference-based Gaussian process regression for reward learning and optimization,International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR),43/5,Erdem Bıyık,Nicolas Huynh,Mykel J. Kochenderfer,Dorsa Sadigh Traversability-Aware Adaptive Optimization ...