Hi everyone, this Wednesday at 3pm, CB11.09.215, Milan will be presenting Convex Hull Monte-Carlo Tree-Search by Painter et al (

Afterwards, let's read through Robotics and Automation Letters Volume 9 Issue 6 again: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=10504377&punumber=7083369. It was quite a long issue, hope you don't mind going through it again!

CDMRG Stack:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12qhjIVTrK82byEq15JJs00aQPkuj66FHER_sdyTbBFo/edit?usp=drivesdk. The stack link has been updated so that anyone with it can edit the document.

See you all there!