Dear All,

Could you let me know if you will be available for the next STS meeting.

A major agenda item will be discussion of Workflow changes for the SOP/Risk Assessments where there are significant design modifications.


A recommendation from the recent Audit was:

i)             Development of a proper workflow is recommended to track the design and approval process. A one-size-fits-all approach was recommended where variations can be added/subtracted to suit the project. It is also recommended to develop a framework/methodology moving forward that should be reviewed and vetted by the safety team once developed.

ii)            To develop a system and procedures for documenting any major changes or modifications of plants/equipment/robots, reviewing the risks associated with such changes, and updating relevant risk assessment and control measures as appropriate.


How can ACFR best accommodate the need to document this process?





David Hickling

Administrative and Technical Assistant

The University of Sydney

Faculty of Engineering

Australian Centre for Robotics

Level 2, Sydney Robotics Lab J19

74-80 Abercrombie St

Chippendale 2008 NSW


M 0404 349 074 | T 02 8627 8279